
A Game of Courageous Publishing and Imperialist Sh!tf#ckery

Draft for one card of 'The Leak' in the game WEKILL//LEAKS.

Have you ever dreamt of running The Empire? Dreamt of limitlessly expanding your economic, political and military power through the World at any cost, including through war and deception? Do you have what it takes to crush your political opponents -those who disagree with your methods and want to expose them- in order to impose your warmongering narrative?

Or have you ever dreamt of organizing The Leak, the future of data-driven journalistic publication online? Will you be capable of combining the powers of digitial technologies and investigative journalism to expose the crimes and lies of the Empire, to give everyone the power to understand the World they live in, and act upon it?

Whether you want to side with Power or with Courage, WEKILL//LEAKS may be a game for you!

WEKILL//LEAKS is an alpha-stage 2-players card game, where “The Empire” plays against a mysterious organisation called “The Leak”.

A showcase of cards in the deck of 'The Leak'.

Currently in development by the Institute for Dissent and Datalove in partnership with the Neue Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung, it is scheduled to be finalized and printed around August-September 2024. Once first edition will be printed, its files will be published for home-printing.

It is set to contain the following:

  • 2 decks of 40-42 beautiful illustrated color cards, made of prime 350g/m² coated cardboard.
  • 1 cardboard sleeve (for the “1.0” edition)
  • maybe 1 cardboard box, depending on crowd-funding objectives (see below)
  • one manual.

“Alpha” phase - playtesting + Limited edition pre-funding - Exclusive offer!

As part of our new little “conspiracy”, you can participate in the following ways:

  • Get an “alpha” deck (playable but not great yet!), for printing+shipping cost (est. 15-20Euros to Europe), in exchange for a commitment to helping us with some playtesting: playing a few games with friends, and answering a 5min. form, making comments about your perception of the game itself. Contact us (even if you cannot afford the printing+shipping cost, we’ll find a way!)

  • Contribute by some funding, and receive one “1.0” version of WEKILL//LEAKS (est. delivery date = September 2024), as a “thank you” present, and also get then an “alpha” deck, (while stock lasts after the playtesting decks have been shipped).

A showcase of cards in the deck of 'The Empire'.

Crowd-funding options:

Support the development and production of the project!

  • 1 Euro and more: Your help is invaluable and means the World! <3

  • 7 Euros and more: To thank you, we will send you by post one random card from the “alpha” edition, anywhere in Europe! Pretty bookmark, or mini-artwork to put on your wall ;)

  • 11 Euros and more: To thank you, we will send you by post TWO random cards from the “alpha” edition (one from The Leak, one from The Empire), anywhere in Europe!

  • 20 Euros and more: support us significantly and as “thank you”, receive one “alpha” deck (est. delivery: mid/end July 2024), only if interested in playtesting (ie. ready to answer a few questions in a short form after a few games). Includes shipping in Europe. Contact us for the rest of the world.

  • 35 Euros and more: to thank you for your great support, you will receive one numbered limited edition “1.0” (est. delivery: September 2024), and one “alpha” deck as bonus (while stock lasts). Includes shipping in Europe. Contact us for the rest of the world.

5 Euros on all contributions of 35 Euros and more will be donated to actions defending WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

Contriubuting options:

  • Make a donation via Paypal to: dissent-and-datalove A_T systemli D_O_T org (specify “WEKILL//LEAKS” as part of the text of your donation)

  • Make a donation to support the development of the project via Open Collective: https://opencollective.com/dissent-and-datalove (pending - 8% fees)

  • Bank transfer: Contact us

  • Cash in Berlin, Germany, other payment options: Contact us

A hand of cards of 'The Empire'.

Funding objectives:

  • current funding: 698 Euros.

(Thanks A., J., J., A., S.!)

  • 1st objective: 3000 Euros

    • producing 100 “alpha” playtest decks
    • producing 250 limited edition “1.0” with thin cardboard sleeve.
    • free labour
  • 2nd objective: 4500 Euros

    • producing 100 “alpha” playtest decks
    • producing 250 limited edition “1.0” with cardboard box.
    • some labour gets funded
  • 3rd objective: 10000 Euros

    • producing 100 “alpha” playtest decks
    • producing 250 limited edition “1.0” with cardboard box and extra perks (poster or play mat, and/or special coin).
    • a “better” 1.0 with more playtest and external contributions.
    • all labour gets funded
    • producing a series of 2000 “1.1” that couls be distributed for free to activist groups worldwide and partly sold to support next projects (such as extension packs).
    • work on possible extension packs.

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Draft for one card of 'The Empire' in the game WEKILL//LEAKS.


dissent-and-datalove [ǞȚ[ systemli ]D✪ T] org

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