A Game of Courageous Publishing and Imperialist Sh!tf#ckery

Have you ever dreamt of running THE EMPIRE? Of limitlessly expanding your economic, political and military power through the World at any cost, including through war and deception? Do you have what it takes to crush your political opponents – those who disagree with your methods and want to expose them – in order to impose your warmongering agenda?

Or have you ever dreamt of organizing THE LEAK? Of leading data-driven journalism online into the future? Will you be capable of combining the powers of digital technologies and investigative journalism to expose the crimes and lies of the Empire? To give everyone the power to understand the World they live in, and act upon it?

Whether you want to side with Power or with Courage…

WEKILL//LEAKS is a game for you!

WEKILL//LEAKS is a beta-stage 2-players card game, where “The Empire” plays against a mysterious organisation called “The Leak”.

Download the manual (print version)

Download the manual (screen version)

WEKILL//LEAKS is currently in development by the Institute for Dissent and Datalove, and was initiated in partnership with the Neue Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung. A “beta” edition is scheduled to be printed by November 2024. Once a 1.0 edition will be ready and printed, its files will be published for home-printing.

It is set to contain the following:

  • 2 decks of 40 beautiful illustrated color cards, made of prime 330g/m² coated “casino-grade” black-core cardboard;
  • 1 cardboard box (for the “1.0” edition, maybe for “beta” edition);
  • 1 score-keeping card
  • 1 color manual;
  • 3 laser-cut tokens for score-keeping.

Please support the project by funding it! Check the dedicated page.


dissent-and-datalove [ǞȚ[ systemli ]D✪ T] org

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